Sunday, 22.12.2019 – How Robust is the t-Test?

Link of the day: The t-test and its robustness to non-normality.

The t-Test usually assumes normality for observations in the groups to be compared. But as it actually just requires that the means of the observations follow a normal distribution, this assumptions may be relaxed somewhat and the t-test proves to be quite robust against the violation of the normality assumption. This posts gives a detailed overview.

Semelparity – Why some animals don’t survive mating season


Semelparity is a reproductive strategy whereby certain species of animals (sometimes both sexes, sometimes only males) only survive one mating episode and die shortly after mating. This serves as a strategy to maximize reproductive fitness – even at the cost of the current generation. Semelparity has evolved multiple times in independent environments. It is much less common among mammals though, as the females are required to care for their children. Some examples are:  – – – – – – – more

Friday, 20.12.2019 – Does Modern Medicine Increase Life Expectancy?

Link of the day: Does modern medicine increase life expectancy?

This paper by Sundeep Mishra from 2016 explores different ways in which modern medicine has tried to increase life expectancy. It seems that the effects of almost any drug and treatment are dwarfed by the effects of a healthy life-style.

Medical interventions work the better the sicker the patient. For healthy individuals, Metformin and mTor-inhibitors seem to be promising targets for increasing life expectancy.

Podcast Recommendations

The internet is full with podcasts. Here is a list of podcasts that I recommend. They mostly come from politics, tech, society and science and almost all of them are rather information-heavy. If you enjoy thinking critically about complex and interesting questions, those podcasts are for you.


Revisionist History

Malcolm Gladwell revisits things in the past that have been overlooked and misunderstood. From questions like “How did the friendship between Frederick Lindemann and Winston Churchill lead to so many … more

Money and Prostitution in the Animal Kingdom


Do animals engage in prostituion? That depends on your definiton of prostitution. But there certainly is some evidence that animals at least engage in transactional sexual behavior. Wikipedia lists three examples: Penguins, Chimpanzees and Capuchin monkeys. While that hardly constitutes prostitution, some female Adélie penguins sometimes mate with single males and use that as an occasion to steal pebbles from them that they can use for nest building.

Chimpanzees seem to engage in long term relationships where female chimpanzees sleep … more

Sex Changes in Clownfish


Clownfish live together in small groups with one large female fish and one or several smaller males. The smaller males cater for all the needs of the females and are eventually rewarded with the permission to fertilize her eggs. All clownfish are born male. They only have an opportunity to become female once the female in their group dies: The largest of the males undergoes a sex change and gets promoted to be the next female.