Most people think of aging as something inevitable. But not all agree and the research into aging and how to reverse it has become more…
The Effect of Sci-Hub on Science
In 2016 Alexandra Elbakyan was listed as one of the top 10 people who mattered in science by Nature. And indeed, her impact on science…
A Map of Univariate Distributions
My roommate recently showed me this map of univariate distributions and I think it’s awesome. Here is a snapshot: It visualizes the relationship between different…
Retraction Watch – Tracking Retractions as a Window Into the Scientific Process
I recently learned about a cool website called Retraction Watch. They do exactly what the name suggests: They track papers that get retracted to highlight…
Can Donating Blood Help Reverse Aging?
I have previously written about the programmed death of organisms and about efforts to reverse aging. Now a new study is out and it is…
On Negative Probabilities
In 1987 Richard Feynman wrote an article arguing in favor for negative probabilities. The question should not be: “do they exist?” but rather: “are they…
On Reversing Aging
David Sinclair on a new paper about age reversal (Twitter Link) Sinclair reviews an exciting new paper. From the Twitter thread: 18 rats were divided…
Wednesday, 22.04.2020 – Why Cryonics Isn’t Crazy
Link of the day: Why Cryonics Makes Sense How do you define death? There are quite a number of ways to answer that. Centuries ago,…
Wednesday, 04.03.2020 – People Born Blind Seem To Be Protected From Schizophrenia
Link of the day: People Born Blind Are Mysteriously Protected From Schizophrenia These findings suggest that something about congenital blindness may protect a person from…
Sunday, 01.03.2020 – Betting On the Reproducibility of Scientific Studies
Link of the day: Replication Markets Replicatiomarkets is a scientific project that aims to assess how reproducible scientific studies are – and how we might…